Have you entered the
Poppy the Shop giveaway? Ends 7.13!
I am finishing up the final details for the aforementioned craft contests coming to KC&A! I'm so ridiculously excited about it! I even named it.
{Please grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! The more the merrier!}
Woohoo! I'm finalizing sponsors and there will be a lot of fantastic prizes. I might even have a winner and a runner up! This should be starting in the next week, I planned to have it start the 17th but we are dangerously close to 500 followers and I also have some giveaways lined up for that, so I might push it back another week. We'll see. You are so lucky you read my blog. {insert humility here.} These upcoming weeks are going to be fantastic!
Well, almost. I need some help from you awesome ladies {and equally awesome gentlemen.} I want this contest to be a motivational tool, to get crafters to finish those projects or try something new. Which means that I want projects to be NEW, I want the entries to be made specifically for the contest. Nothing previously made, because then it's not motivational! There are two directions with this: Anonymous entries and public entries.
With anonymous entries, I will have anyone that wants to enter to email me pictures of their projects. I will then choose my top 5 favorites, and then you {the readers} will be able to vote for your favorite one. When it's all over I will have a post showcasing everything. The upside: that the voting is a little less biased, and more "popular" blogs will not have an advantage over smaller blogs. Also, you don't need a blog to enter.The downside: the entries are a little limited, you can only attach so many pictures to an email.
With public entries, I will host a linky party where anyone who is participating can link up. I will still choose my top five and let you guys vote for the winner. The upside: your entry can be a little more in depth and you can showcase it a lot more. Also, more people will be able to enter this way since the word can spread and it's funner. The downside: contestants who have a larger reader base could have an advantage when it comes to the voting.
So what are your thoughts? I've been debating over since the moment I conceived the idea, and I just can't decide. I am leaving up to you, since YOU are the ones who are going to be entering! {Though I will have an "inspirational" post to help give you ideas.}
Lay it on me. And spread the word!
I like the linky party!! Part of the fun is to be able to see what everyone else thought up.
If there are those without a blog who want to enter have them email you the pictures and you can post them as later entries.
What about a 3rd option where they are all anonymous and after the voting is done you create the linky party so we can all see who did which project? Is that possible or maybe even too much work? If they are emailing you then you would know which project belongs to which person. Can the post for their project be updated after the voting by you so we know?
Just thinking a little more out of that box. I think it would be fun because as much as we all try not to do it, we do tend to click on our favorite bloggers first is we see them in a list right? That would be removed which I'd love to see.
Sounds so fun! :)
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