I LOVE how it turned out. Ready for a behind the machine story? I bought this large men's shirt at Target for two bucks back in October. I had this idea and planned on making this shirt for holiday parties. Didn't happened, was too intimidated. Why? Because I've never successfully made a shirt before. I've tried three times, twice with knit, once with pretty cotton. The first two times (with the knit) I horribly screwed up, one time I forgot to add seam allowance and couldn't get the shirt on and the other time I made a huge newbie mistake of cutting the pieces the wrong way, so the shirt didn't stretch around my body. Third time I used a pattern my mom got me and shortly into it got too scared to finish. So this shirt has been sitting in my stash for months, dying to be turned into something fabulous.
Luckily even though I broke my machine halfway through the process, I conquered my fear and made a shirt I can wear!
I love it. I love the sleeves (my own design that I can't even believe worked), I love the sweetheart neckline, I love the flow-y-ness of it. Even though you can't see it, I also made a matching headband with the scraps of the shirt! Thank you AGAAGG for inspiring me to make hair crap.
This is my "Holy crap it's what was I thinking, taking pictures outside? It's freaking freezing!!!" picture. But it shoes off the neckline and the increased shadows help show off the sublime ruffleness of the sleeves and waist line.
Ahhh. Feels so good to cross a project off my to-do list AND use up some of my stash. Would anyone be interested in a tutorial for this one? I took pictures during the process so I could write one up but I've had too many frustrations with the project I just didn't feel writing up a tutorial. But, if enough people want me to, I will. :)

Don't forget to check out A Craft a Day's Sew & Tell competition!
Edited: On a whim, I also decided to enter this in the American Crafter competition over at Naptime Crafters. Keep your fingers crossed for me for both of these!
Well, I would take a tutorial :) If you're offering! Love the top, very cute!
Turned out great- love the sleeves! thanks for auditioning for American Crafter!
Oh so cute! I would love a tutorial! What a great job you did!
Amie this is gorgeous. You did a really great job. I'd love a tutorial if you have time:)
and good luck!
Love it, this turned out so fabulous!Thanks for sharing :)
Great job on this and congrats on completing it successfully!!!
This is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Amazing job!
WOW You are SO talented!! Want to make my wardrobe for me?? :) LOL! Fantastic job!
Very pretty ! The color is gawwwwgious
Um, are you going to do a tutorial? Because I really want to make one. Bad.
Wow - I love how your shirt turned out! I have been stockpiling patterns and ideas to try and start sewing clothing but I, too, am totally intimidated! So far, all I've ever sewn are straight lines (with the exception of the hoodies that I made for the dogs for camping.) I love the sleeves as well! Thanks so much for your great comment on my wedding dress pillow and for following - I will be following now as well so that I can learn more about clothing and maybe get over my fear of clothing (as I still have to make the rest of my wedding dress wearable) :-) Thanks! Barbara
i love it want it need it!! are you going to tutoraial this?
Make a tutorial. I just came across your blog and this is a super cute top that I would love to make for myself. :)
What a pretty top! that's too bad your machine broke! Hope it feels better soon :)
happy crafting!
woman! this is crazy! it's blows my mind that this was first a t-shirt! it's beautiful and I am in mad deep love with it! GREAT JOB!
woman! this is crazy! it's blows my mind that this was first a t-shirt! it's beautiful and I am in mad deep love with it! GREAT JOB!
I love this shirt!! I would really like to see a tut. So pretty!!
Make the tutorial! Make it I say!
Uhh, please. I'm not a total Neanderthal. Most of the time. ;)
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