
What do YOU like?

I posted yesterday about what *I* like, but I want to know what YOU like? More specifically, what you would like to see on my blog. Since I'm still starting out I've just kind of been doing whatever works, but since I now have some readers that want good material, I'm enlisting your help! What kinds of things do you want to see on my blog?

Glue gun crafts
Inspiration/guest posts
Other, let me know!

I'm going to post a poll in my sidebar to make it easier for you, but if you have more specific suggestions please feel free to leave a comment on this post or email me! I really look forward to your responses.

And I'll have a tutorial for you later today.


The Loops said...

I like the glue gun crafts. I used to have a complete fear of the glue gun thinking everything I did would look terrible and I would just end up gluing stuff to my hands. However, so far so good. I';d love to see more of your ideas!

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said...

all of the above for me, I love it all. I especially love tutorials showing us how to make things.

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