

Things in the future, and things from the past!

I have quite a few posts I am working on! I have two crafty tutorials already finished and in the process of writing, a food tutorial, a trading posts, and THREE tutorials in the works! It's quite a lot of writing, so in the meantime, I thought it would be good to revisit some of my old fall/Halloween posts! The blog has grown quite a bit since last fall, so most of you have probably never even seen them!

It's like CHRISTMAS!! Except I hate Christmas until Black Friday. I know, total Scrooge, but you CANNOT get me to do anything Christmasy AT ALL until after Thanksgiving. No music, no decorations, no presents, no NOTHING.

Anyway, back to fall.

And don't forger last year's Halloween costumes! Quite the endeavor, but it was a blast!

It was weird to go back and read all of those! I sound so different...yet the same. Does that make sense? Anyway, hope you enjoy this recap! Hopefully this fall I'll add a lot more posts!

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