

I's back!!!

You guys, I think my mojo is back. Took it long enough! I finished a sewing project last night and I have like three more I want to try. I've got a few Halloween ideas up my sleeve and a tutorial request. AND I've got some new jewelry ready to show you. AND I still need to show you what Caroline and I did together! I wish blog posts didn't take so long to write.

Huzzah!!! I've missed you guys! I can't wait to start writing up a bunch of what I've been doing.

I even made a printable. You know, totally unique, never been done before, awesome original idea. Ok maybe not, but still fun to make anyway. :)


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and they really make my day. I try to respond to each one, so please make sure to link your blog to your email address so I can respond to you directly!

If you have a question email me directly at kittycatsandairplanes at gmail dot com