

Top 10 posts of 2011

Soooorry I kinda fell off the face of the earth there…you know how the holidays get. I’m sure not many of you noticed since you were all probably busy with a million, zillion things like me, but I like to pretend that you missed me. Once I get a few things done I’ll try and post some pictures that I took WITH MY NEW CAMERA!!! But until then, let’s look at 2011! (Hooooly cow what happened to 2011??)

According to Google Analytics, my top 10 posts from the last year are as follows:

And....the number one post of 2011 is.....

Tadah!! The list surprised me quite a bit, like that lace bow? That was one of those "I can't believe I'm posting this" kinda tutorials and it ended up being on top. There were some tutes that I LOVED that didn't even make the cut. I guess it's all about features, thanks to tipnut and Pinterest I've gotten a lot of traffic I wouldn't have gotten before!

So...goals for the new year:
  • Stop putting pictures of my face on the blog. It's weird to look at my face. 
  • Get organized! (Thanks to {Meg} I'm already halfway there! More on that later)
  • Stick to the budget that the hubs and I made....maybe we can get that house by the end of the year!
  • Learn how to take better pictures. I look back at a year ago and those pictures SUCK!! I mean, I am by no means a good photographer now but I can see that I have improved a little! And thanks to the amazing hubs I have a brand new fancy camera and fancy photo editing software to help me. 
  • Sew a little more. 
  • Do something with vinyl. 
  • Try to finish what I start.
I checked back at my goals from last year and I actually did pretty well!
1. Make a quilt. Check. I made a quilt top....but I never posted it because I didn't finish. Oops..
2. Learn to crochet. I am counting this as a check, because I have TRIED three different times to crochet and I just can't get it. 
3. Subway art. Check, I made several!
4. Repurpose clothing more. Check! I did that a lot this year!
5. Paint at least two pictures. Not check...didn't even paint one. :(
6. Paper craft more. After all...I did get a Silhouette for Christmas. :) I did use my Silhouette, but not as much as I thought I would. Soooo semi check?

What are your goals for the new year?


  1. I just got a sewing machine for Christmas and now I have to figure out what to make! Your Ruffly top will probably make the list

    I haven't figured out any goals yet... I should probably get cracking on that :)

  2. umm that envelope clutch is totally awesome! if i had any hint of talent i would definitely make it. i'm gonna show that to my grandma, she'd love it!

  3. Hey! I'm missing seeing you on here! :) Loved your top ten. Hope everything's going ok.


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