

3...2...1...craft! Felt link up!!

Huzzah! The felt round of 3...2...1...craft! is FINALLY here! I literally cannot wait to see what you guys have done with felt. If you are still procrastinating your felt projects, check out this {felt roundup} to spark your creativity. Pinterest is a great tool too!

And don't forget what's in store for you if you WIN!

Awesome!! I am so jealous that I can't enter my own contest. Click {here} for full prize details.

Just a few reminders about the contest, please review before submitting

  • 3...2...1...craft! is meant to be a motivational craft contest to help you try something new or finish an old project. Therefore, entries must be recent AUGUST 13TH or later. Anything linked up that was posted before August 13th will be deleted, and I don't want to do that!
  • The 3...2...1...craft! button MUST be in your blog post somewhere. If it's not I will be very sad, because I won't be able to consider your project for the Top 5. 
  • Stay within the theme please! This round is felt. 

That's it! Tutorials are not required but are encouraged, we want to see how your genius mind created your project! If you used another's tutorial that's great! Just make sure to give them credit. Feel free to link up as many projects as you'd like! If your entries follow the rules, you can link up 100 times if you want!

Kara {our guest judge} and I will be looking for projects that creatively use the theme "ingredient," projects that are well executed and have clear pictures, and that certain wow factor when we are choosing the Top 5.

Ok, I'm done talking. Let's see what your projects!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Finally finishing off some felt projects to post some more for this challenge! I love working with felt :)

  3. How fun! I'll have to see if I can whip something together! : ) New follower!

  4. This looks really fun! I just found a link from another site. I love felt, so I am excited to enter!

  5. Are you allowed to enter more than one project?


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and they really make my day. I try to respond to each one, so please make sure to link your blog to your email address so I can respond to you directly!

If you have a question email me directly at kittycatsandairplanes at gmail dot com