

A foot long change

Last week I decided it was time for a massive change in my life.

Oh, wait, you knew I was pregnant. Let's try a different angle.

Tah-dah!!!! .....still nothing? Crap. Uh, let's compare me here with the week before...'s not the bags under my eyes getting bigger...

I cut my hair! A LOT!! I cut an entire foot off. Twelve. Whole. Inches.

Really though, it was getting out of control. Look at all that! All the way down to my waist.

I would trust no one else to cut off my hair than Joanne, she's been cutting my hair my entire life! The expression on my face really isn't mirroring my inner horror....I about threw up. I loved my long hair...honestly I really don't like my haircut. I'm having trouble figuring out how to style it, and it just isn't working! I don't like the way it frames my face, eh. I don't like it. This sounds a lot like complaining, but I was really happy to donate my hair. I've always thought I have the ability to grow my hair long, and there are little girls out there who can't. Who am I to deny a little girl the chance to have a beautiful head of hair? If this baby girl someday needs a wig of hair, I will be forever grateful to those women who donated their own hair to make a wig for mine. KWIM??

So, who else has made a big change lately?


  1. I think it looks great Amie--and at least you have some length left. Sounds like you just need to start playing with some ideas on pinterest that you couldn't do before with super long hair. But really, I love it!

  2. I love it! It looks great and it will be much easier to manage once the baby comes ;)

  3. LOL so focused on your belly didnt notice, looks great!

  4. LOL I've been growing and cutting my hair as long as I can remember. currently, it's long and I prefer it that way. YOUR hair looks great! I like how you've styled it was as someone else said, check pinterest and see if you find something you like. I can also tell you from very recent experience that the long hair WILL definitely be hard with a baby. And I don't mean the doing it every day. Long or short: you won't do your hair every day for a while. No. I'm talking about sitting down to feed the baby and your hair gets caught between your back and the chair...or baby gets it stuck between fingers and yanks, yanks, yanks. My hair has spent the last three months in a pony tail :) I haven't cut it because my husband prefers it long (as do I). 28 weeks!!!!

  5. I love your new haircut! I think it looks amazing!

  6. I love your new hair style. I think it is very flattering.

  7. I think your new haircut really suits you, and frames your face quite well!! You're looking great!

  8. Awww you have the cutest little bump ever! Mine is the opposite... very BIG! (and I'm not just saying that, I've measured over the 90th centile growth line since 28 weeks) I now have just 2 weeks to go and can't wait :) But anyway your new hair looks really good too, love the headband! Chrissie from

  9. It really looks so good! I love it. (I loved your long hair too. Basically, you're just pretty.)

  10. Are you serious?? I think your haircut looks GREAT! But I know what you mean. I chopped 12 inches off mine a couple years ago, and I liked it for a while but then I just wanted my long hair back. And I'm still waiting for it... D:


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