


I told you yesterday that you wouldn't want to miss today's post! Because today is a big day. Sit down kids, let me tell you a story.

Way back in mid February, I started to feel really sick. I mean REALLY sick. I was nauseated 24/7 and in bed 18 hours a day. I lived off of ginger ale and saltines and lost a bunch of weight. I had permanent purple bags under my bloodshot eyes; I looked like the walking dead. The mothers of my students were so concerned, and a lot of them sent me home because I looked so awful. It was miserable. MISERABLE. And it went on for WEEKS.

Finally, after about 6 weeks of this, I went to the doctor. A brand new doctor that could hopefully tell me everything that was going on with me. After a bunch of poking, prodding, peeing in cups and several vials of blood, she came in with the results.

I had a parasite.

Srsly? A parasite? How could I have gotten a parasite? That good for nothing (kidding) husband gave it to me. Argh. So I ask her, how long until it will work itself out?

She told me for most people it'll take a least another good six or seven months.

SIX OR SEVEN MONTHS!?! That's like....October!! No, that's like November! So I'm stuck with this life sucking parasite in me until November. Wonderful. Oh, and get this, she said the stinking thing will probably grow to be the size of a WATERMELON or even a small PUMPKIN before it'll work itself out?

(Is that even possible??) I finally asked her if I could see this thing that was making me so miserable. If it's stuck with me for that long, I might as well get to take a look at it right? She geared up an ultrasound machine and let me have a look.

That was it. I was a goner. David and I were so in love with that little grape sized parasite. With it's cute little nose and chin and tiny little arm and leg buds and that precious little heartbeat. We decided to keep it.

It's been another 6 weeks since then, and now we are ready to tell the world.

It's true, our little family will soon go from two to three. :)

Ok, for the record, I knew I was pregnant the whole time I was miserably sick. Only took about 6 pregnancy tests to confirm that. And I do not think it's a stinking little thing, hubs and I are overjoyed. :) And we always wanted to keep it, little apple was planned. I just threw in those fun details for the sake of the funny story.
And to answer your questions....

  • 15 weeks
  • November 4
  • Don't know yet, anatomy scan is next month. 

Will you forgive my absence now?

PS, did any of you pick up on my weekly fruit status updates on Facebook? I felt so dang sneaky.


  1. Sooooo awesome!! I know you guys were wanting a little one. Congrats!!! And We missed you!!!

  2. Yay!!!! That is so exciting!!! Congratulations!! That's a pretty cute parasite! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Congratulations Amie! Well try to hold out until November 5 th and the parasite will have the same birthday as my son Steven.

  5. Congratulations! How exciting for you both x

  6. Woohoo!! Eeeeek!! I'm typing this and holding 3 week old Ember and thinking that YOU are going to be a great Mama!! Oh yeah, and now you can start pinning all you want ;)


  7. Congratulations!!! The pictures of the of you are adorable :-))

  8. YAY!!! congratulations!!! You should check out my sister-in-law and I's blog It is a funny take on pregnancy and parenting. We just completed our pregnancy series=) Take care!!!

  9. Oh my goodness you crack me up! Parasite! Haha! This may go down as my favorite 'We're Preggos' post ever! Seriously...


  10. I'm so happy & excited for you-WOOHOO! Congratulations!!!

    I was sick the entire 9 months with my son & felt like I was lucky to only be sick the first 6 months with my daughter- ha! Hope you're feeling better and that you enjoy the ride! :)

  11. You totally had me going - I was thinking 'Oh my gosh, that's crazy, the size of a melon? Surely they can remove it - that's almost as big as a baby... ohhh.' Hope you feel better!

  12. Congratulations! I'm really excited for you guys!!

  13. Congratulations! That is really exciting. I'm sure you will come up with some really cute crafts to do for your new little one.

  14. OMG!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!! This is wonderful news!!!!!!!


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