

The "cheating" post, jewelry with buttons

I know, I know, the whole series was "Jewelry Making for the Non-Jewelry Maker" and it required no special tools or supplies. Well...these both have just a teensy bit of special supplies. But they were so easy to do I had to include them! You've still got a week left till Christmas! You can totally knock these out. Easy.

 The main ingredient of the jewelry today? Buttons. Yes, buttons. You'd be amazed at the buttons you can find these days, some of them don't look like buttons at all! Like that pretty pink pendant. Yes, it's a button, and this is the easiest necklace ever! Less than a minute to make.

You will need:

  • Button
  • Jump ring
  • Premade necklace (you can find these at Hobby Lobby)

That's it! Wait for buttons to go on sale and you've got a majorly inexpensive present. To make one:

Take button off of paper. Open the jump ring, thread it through the button.

Attach it to the necklace. Close the jump ring. Told you it was easy!

And the results are lovely! Only hardcore Joann stalkers will ever know that you're wearing a button around your neck. Ready for some easy peasy earrings?

You will need:

  • Small buttons
  • Two earring posts
  • Button shank removers (Six bucks at Joann in the button aisle. Bring your coupon)
  • Hot glue gun (E6000 would be better)

This one is a teeny tiny itsy bitsy more tricky, but it'll still take you less than a minute to make!

Using the button shank removers, remove the shank of the button.

Bam. Now it has a flat back.

Do it again to another button so you can have a pair (unless you only have one pierced ear, in which case skip this step)

Bam. Pretty rose earrings on the cheap, no cabochons required. I'll spare you another picture of my face, you get the idea right?

I hope you enjoyed my little series! Remember, next month I am redoing "Jewelry Making 101" which should cover everything you ever wanted to know about making your own jewelry. Got a question? Shoot me an email and I'll cover it in the series.

Happy crafting!


  1. Wow Amie!! You can never tell from a look that that necklace is made out of buttons!! Its so pretty and super easy,will try out one myself as soon as I find a good button. Thanks for the tutorial :)
    I made another bow hair clip and a hairband . Thought you might like to see..heres the link-

  2. I love both of these. I need to find some cute buttons! This has been a great series!

  3. Cute :) 2 things I would not have thought of! Sometimes, I'm too much of a literalist!!! lol

  4. Such smart ideas....and so pretty! I'd love for you to stop by and share these over at Etcetorize. The linky party is open now: ~


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