

Our Thanksgiving and a Black Friday deal!

And that wasn't even everything. Talk about a loaded table! We couldn't even pass anything. I was in charge of all things potatoes. Twice baked and mashed. I think I used an entire bag of potatoes from Costco! Though it was just me and David's family, six people. Mmmm....potatoes....

I love Thanksgiving, it really is a wonderful time to reflect on all the blessings that Lord has given you for the past year. I know you're totally sick of thankfulness posts by now, but I really am so thankful for everything I have. I have a loving husband, wonderful family that lives so close, a roof over my head, food to eat, a small business that is earning me enough money for Christmas presents, two cute kitties, a college degree, spoons...ok now I'm getting a little winded.

Did I mention I completely flooded that bathroom and it leaked down into our storage? Ugh, so humiliating. I don't know what happened, it just erupted!

Black Friday. Yeah, that's right now. Apparently I'm about to go shopping...I did not plan this. I am afraid of mobs. Are you going Black Friday shopping? If it involves Etsy-ing, use code BLACKFRIDAY for 20% off your entire order today!

That is all. I need to go get dressed and put shoes on....

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