

Jewelry Making 101, remix!

Happy 11.11.11 at 11:11! Did you make an epic wish? Maybe wish for the safety of those brave men and women away from their families right now, and for those who have honorably come home. Happy Veterans Day.
At this time last year, I was just starting to get really into jewelry making. I was obsessed (ok I still kind of am...). I ran a little series called "Jewelry Making 101" {find it all here} where I went over supplies, basic skills, and how to make a couple pieces of jewelry. I had a lot of fun, and the button bracelet I made gets the most hits out of all my tutorials!

But here's the thing. It's been over a year now. I've been making jewelry a lot over the past year, and I have not only improved, I have also expanded my skills and I can do A LOT more now than I could do last year. Plus my photography has gotten a little better. A little....

A few days ago I asked my friends on my {facebook page} if I should redo the series. The general consensus was yes, I should redo it. Yay! I am so excited to redo the series and show you everything I've learned. It will probably be a 7 or 8 part series instead of a 4 part because I've seriously learned sooo much in the last year.

So, this is where you come in, you can help tell me what to do! Since you're going to be reading it, you should get a say in what you will see. I will likely cover the same topics from last year, as well as crimping, beading, wire techniques, cabochon techniques, and getting started making your own jewelry. What else would you like to see? Any techniques you've seen and would like to learn? Anything you'd like to learn how to make? Should I make this a "once a week for a few months" series or a "cram it all into a week" series? Let me know in the comments! Or email. Or text. Whatever really.


  1. Very cute! You have been making me think maybe I should give this jewelry making this a try!

  2. Please cram all at once lol. Christmas is coming and I am making jewelry for a lot of folks! I need help~tips~ideas!

  3. I'm excited about this - I'm just getting into jewelry making, especially with cabochons so I'm really looking forward to what you have to share :)

  4. Oh cool, can't wait!! Please include sites from where we can buy all the supplies, especially ones which deliver worldwide. Once a week would be great!!


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and they really make my day. I try to respond to each one, so please make sure to link your blog to your email address so I can respond to you directly!

If you have a question email me directly at kittycatsandairplanes at gmail dot com