

Cyber Monday survey

Happy Monday my friends! If you've got two minutes on this seriously gorgeous day (at least, I hope it's gorgeous for you!) I would REAAAAAALLY appreciate it if you took this very quick Cyber Monday survey. I am trying to gather information on what YOU like in a Cyber Monday sale, because it's YOU that will be buying!

Click here to take survey

Mini photoshoot with my mom teaser.

....did you take the survey yet?

1 comment:

  1. I took the survey. This pic is super cute! Does this mean the ke necklace I love in your shop will be going on sale???


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and they really make my day. I try to respond to each one, so please make sure to link your blog to your email address so I can respond to you directly!

If you have a question email me directly at kittycatsandairplanes at gmail dot com