

Guest posting?

Hello my lovely bloggy friends. Can I just say how fantastic I think it is to get to know so many wonderfully talented, sweet, and all around awesome people in the blogging world? I wish we all lived near each other so we could get together and craft. (Hey...that's not a bad idea. Anyone living in the Columbia, Maryland area wanna get together and craft sometime? :) Or really, anyone that wants to craft with me! I would love to meet you in person.)

Sadly, my free time is shrinking and shrinking. I'm starting to work more and more and my life is becoming a little bit crazy, I always seem to have some kind of something going on. I know, it totally seems like I'm ALWAYS on here, but I promise I'm not. (Plus I work super close to home, so I often come home during breaks to blog. :P) Which is why I am asking for your help, bloggy friends. You might have noticed that my crafts have gotten a little bit lame lately. I just don't have nearly as much time or energy as I did before to devote to crafts, so I was wondering if anyone out there would like to guest post for me sometime? I'm up for anything, a crafty post, a recipe post, a "hey look how awesome I am" post, anything really! I just don't want any of you to get bored while I am trying to learn how to balance everything in my life. If you'd like to do a guest post, blog swap, or anything of the sort just shoot me an email ( and we can get started. Don't be shy, I would be over the moon thrilled to have you. Seriously.

Hope you have the most wonderful day.


  1. Ahahah near Columbia MD. Yep I'm right there ... I'd love to meet for fun and crafts. The problem will be to fit that in my overstretched schedule, and apparently yours too.

  2. Following you from BabyDealsDujour,
    we list all the baby daily deals in real-time. Love to see you on Facebook and
    Twitter too.

  3. I am not very crafty...but I like to make crafts with my kiddos...if that helps.

    Following you via Monday Blog Hop from lil-LIZ-bits, lil-bits from my Homeschooling Navy Wife Life Mom-prenuer adventures. Love to see you on Facebook too!


Thank you for your comments! I love reading them and they really make my day. I try to respond to each one, so please make sure to link your blog to your email address so I can respond to you directly!

If you have a question email me directly at kittycatsandairplanes at gmail dot com